Sunday, November 27, 2011

How To Improve Your On Page SEO‏

Internet searches utilize keyword search terms which surfers enter in Google, Yahoo and Bing (the three major search engines) to find a service, product or solution to a problem.

The first step begins with keyword research. It sounds complicated, takes time, and frightens the technically challenged. Relax, it's really not that bad when you know how.

Find and Optimize Your Keywords

First, learn what resources are needed and how to use them. Keyword tools come in two sizes and shapes, paid and free. If you're wondering whether you should use one or the other, we suggest you start with free.

Google's keyword tool allows you to find keywords ranked by the number of searches and the competition. Go here to find it: Find your keywords; write your blog post.

Scatter your keywords, about one per 100 words throughout your blog post. A good density is about 2 percent and should not exceed 4 percent. Do not stuff keywords. Overdoing it doesn't help you.

Adding Keyword Tags

Add title tags, header tags and regular keyword tags. Don't forget to choose an approprioate category.

Include a few links, one of your internal pages, i.e. a related blog post on you r site. Include your keyword as an anchor text.

Next choose an external page for your next link (outbound link).Perhaps you have an affliate product you want to promote. This is a good place to do that. Add the rel ="no follow" tag to any outbound links.

Italicize your keyword once, underline it once and bold it once. Use it in the first sentence and again the last sentence. Double check to make sure you've covered all the above steps.

Check Your Work

If you have a spell check function in your word editor or correct any missspelled words. Make your writing aesthetically appealing. This requires adding some bold, italics and spacking to set your text apart.

  • Ask, where does the post draw you in? Maybe change the photo or picture for a more magnetic effect.
  • Does it look inviting to read or is it filled with text running all together.?
  • Add a story or anecdotes. Make it interesting. Are you comfortable with it? If so, publish it.
  • Perhaps you'dl like an automated alternative to all the manual labor before listed.

SEOPressor plugin automates this entire process. You don't have to memorize it or try to recall what you forgot. Just upload the simple plugin to your WordPress blog. Install it and tweak the settings. You are now ready to rock with optimizing your page for the search engines.

2 megjegyzés:

Amazing post. On-page is useful techniques as off-page technique. Many users believe that On-page optimization s not effective method for their site, but its wrong.

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